February 28, 2024

Class & Room Hire Prices

Cost of Living Strikes Again! With great reluctance, we have to inform you that fees for classes and room hire at the Centre will rise from Monday 4th March. Maintenance, staff costs, very high energy prices and other inflationary rises which we have been covering at the existing level of income, can no longer be supported without this price rise.   Classes: We have not raised prices to students for some time, although staff and tutors have received pay rises. The very high energy prices and other inflationary rises have however proved too much. Existing Fee for class :  £8.00 […]
May 11, 2021

Welcome Back! – May 2021 Update

Hello and welcome back to our world! Our website is now being updated with the new classes and activities we are offering coming out of the lockdowns of the last 12 months! We expect most of our groups and classes to start again from mid-June onwards (assuming no changes with the roadmap out of lockdown).  Most of our tutors will been working through the summer holiday this year, rather than stopping for a break the way we normally do. Lots of you are keen to come back and not have to stop within a short time and then wait again […]
February 26, 2021

COVID-19 Update: February 2021

The Centre is planning to reopen formally from June 21st 2021 – we are pleased that with the announcement of the Govt. “Roadmap” we can plan for the Centre to reopen to full and Covid-secure functioning. There will be more information forthcoming – please watch this space!
January 5, 2021

COVID-19 Update: January 2021

As we go back into lockdown, the Centre will remain open only to essential permitted health services. However, the office is staffed (although at reduced days) to deal with any telephone and email enquiries you may have. The BBCA Annual General Meeting 2019-20 will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 26th January at 7.30pm – full details on how to attend will follow soon. We wish you a happy new year!