Community Heroes

The Community Plaque was established by the former Braintree Chamber of Trade and Commerce, in memory of members of the community who have given great service to our community:

Elwyn Bishop, David East, Peter Ellis, Ken Few, Scott Gilhooly, David Possee, Evelyn Roerig, Ann Rolls, Vernon Rolls, George Shiffner, Jean Stock, Iori Williams

A new plaque was unveiled at Braintree Community Centre on the 18th September 2021.

We are always seeking to identify other community minded people whose names should be included. We welcome suggestions from anyone for anybody that lived locally and made a strong contribution in the Braintree area. Anyone can be nominated by way of an explanation of their service to with the only criteria being that inclusion depends on a posthumous nomination. A statement about the person and their photograph will be included on the website.

Details of the Community Heroes named on the plaque can be found here.


A variety of different groups hold regular meetings at the Centre, and we have several tutors offering their own classes. If you would like to contact any of these groups we would be happy to help in the office at the Centre; or you can use the contact details shown below to contact them directly.

Community & Partners

Dolphin Women's Institute

Dolphin WI is a member of The Essex Federation whose head office is based in Hatfield Peverel.

Dolphin WI meets on the last Thursday of each month at Braintree Community Centre at 7.30pm.

Community & Partners

Braintree Organic Gardening Club

People with Parkinson’s, family and friends – come along and enjoy our friendly meetings and take part in gentle exercise and singing if you wish to – suitable for all levels of ability.
Community & Partners

Rethink Mental Illness

Rethink Mental Illness – challenging attitudes, changing lives, mental health charity based in England leading the way to a better life for everyone affected by mental illness.
Community & Partners

Parkinson's UK

People with Parkinson’s, family and friends – come along and enjoy our friendly meetings and take part in gentle exercise and singing if you wish to – suitable for all levels of ability.
Community & Partners

Essex Handicrafts Association

Essex Handicrafts Association or EHA, a charity based organisation in Braintree, Essex. This group is for like-minded people wishing to learn, share and participate in all kinds of craft.
EHA meet at the Centre every Thursday evening, from 7pm to 9pm, at the Creative Needlecraft group.

We would like to thank…

for their support of the Centre and our events over the years.