Board Games Café temporarily suspended
March 8, 2020
Coronavirus Update 1
March 16, 2020Brand new Yoga class starting Friday 1st May! 9.30-10.30, £8 per session.
Suitable for beginners and more experienced students as modifications and progressions always available.
The classes I teach are Hatha based with a strong emphasis on Pranayama (breathwork), mindfulness and yogic philosophy, so incorporating body and mind (and spirit which you can take or leave as you wish).
My students say they find the classes relaxing and good fun and come away feeling peaceful and grounded yet aware that they have worked their bodies in a good way! We tend to work gently and mindfully, listening and honouring ourselves in each session, often working with closed eyes so we’re not tempted to compare ourselves with others. The classes begin with relaxation and breathwork to bring us into our bodies, and end with a soothing guided relaxation allowing the practice and benefits to settle into our whole being. As with all my therapies, I aim to provide a nurturing space where it is possible to learn and grow at your own pace.
Sue Cumming @ The Healing Tree (in Essex)
Call – 07811 579209
Email – suecumming.reflexology@hotmail.co.uk
Web – www.thehealingtreeinessex.co.uk